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- wxMEdit is a cross-platform Text/Hex Editor written in C++ & wxWidgets.
- wxMEdit is an improved version of MadEdit which has been discontinued.
- wxMEdit can edit files in Text/Column/Hex modes, and supports many useful functions, e.g. Bookmark, SyntaxHighlightings, Encodings, WordWrap, WordCount and Updates checking.
- wxMEdit support common encodings (UTF8/16/32, ISO-8859-x, CP125x, KOI8, GB18030, Big5, ...) not only in Text/Column modes but also in Hex mode.
- The purpose of this project is to provide a continually maintained text/hex editor with bug fixes, improvements and refactor.
Mainly Changes from MadEdit 0.2.9
- Added new Killer Features:
- BOM support for GB18030.
- Inserting ordered sequence.
- Word boundary with Chinese/Japanese/Thai/Lao/Khmer and Burmese characters etc.
- Word-wrap meet the Unicode® Standard Annex #14: Unicode Line Breaking Algorithm.
- Added automatically checking for updates.
- Added bookmark support.
- Added right-click context menu for each tab.
- Added purging histories support.
- Added selecting a line by triple click.
- Added FreeBASIC syntax file.
- Added an option to place configuration files into %APPDATA% directory under Windows.
- Improved support for "Find / Replace".
- Improved Mac OS X support.
- Improved system integration under Windows.
- Improved encoding detection result.
- Improved Hex editing support.
- Added more choices for data format copying/pasting in Hex Area.
- Added new feature: Paste with Overwriting in Hex Area.
- Improved encoding support.
- Added grouping of encodings.
- Added new encodings: ISO-8859-16, Windows-1258, KOI8-R, KOI8-U, GB18030, CP850, CP852, CP855, CP866, CP437 Variant for ASCII-Art.
- Redesigned dialogs with Code::Blocks wxSmith.
- Updated translations.
- Added Spanish translation.
- Added Russian translation.
- Added German translation.
- Added Polish translation.
- Updated Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and Japanese translations.
- Fixed many crashes and other bugs.
- Improved build and packaging configurations.
See ChangeLog for more changes.
- wxMEdit can run under Windows/ReactOS/Wine, Linux, BSDes, macOS, OpenIndiana, other Unix-like OSes and Haiku OS.
- Checks for updates automatically.
- Supports bookmark.
- Edits files in Text, Column and Hex modes.
- In Hex-Mode, wxMEdit can open large files which size is up to 32GB (INT_MAX*16).
- Users can change the encoding of files at runtime like Web-Browsers.
- Supports many encodings, e.g.:
- Unicode (UTF-8, UTF-16/32 with Little or Big Endian);
- ISO-8859-1~16, Windows-1250~1258;
- KOI8-R/U;
- MS936(GBK*), GB18030, MS950(Big5*), Windows-31J(Shift-JIS*);
- etc.
- Supports non-BMP Unicode Characters Such as CJK Ext-B/C/D/E, Miao Letters, Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols, Musical Symbols, Emoji, etc.
- If users input a character that is not supported by current encoding, this character will be converted to Unicode escape format (only code point format supported currently).
- Regular Expression search & replace.
- Opens multiple files on single instance.
- Supports syntax-highlighting of many programming languages:
- awk, C/C++, CSS, diff/patch, D, DOS Batch Script, Flash ActionScript, HTML, Java, JavaScript, JSP, Lua, Pascal, PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby, UNIX Shell Script, x86 Assembly, XML, Fortran, TeX/LaTeX, Squirrel, C#, Visual Basic, ASP(VBScript), SQL, Verilog, VHDL, FreeBASIC.
- wxMEdit can view ASCII-Art files with appropriate monospace font e.g.:
- Courier New under Windows/Mac OS X;
- Andale Mono, Courier, Menlo, Monaco under Mac OS X;
- Console and Fixed under Unix-like OS;
- DejaVu Sans Mono, Free Mono, Liberation Mono, etc.